
Uzmanlık Alanlarımız

Consumer Law

It is the area to which the consumer is a party, covering all subjects that fall under the TKHK Law, such as all types of purchase and sale contracts, defamatory goods and services.


Law of Foreigners

According to the treaties and laws to which Turkey is a party, it is the branch of law that examines the responsibilities, duties and rights of foreigners.


Contracts Law

Contract Law is the branch of law that studies the procedural, substantive and legal aspects, within the framework of the conformity of contracts concluded between the parties to the law.


Compensation Law

Compensation is the payment of damages, damages, paid in exchange for material or moral damage that occurred as a result of an unlawful act.


Corporate Law

It is a branch of law that enters the field of commercial law, studying the legal relations related to trading companies, such as the establishment, merger, transfer of their companies.


Inheritance Law

Inheritance law is a branch of private law that, broadly speaking, examines issues relating to the assets of heirs and the testator.


Labor Law

It is called the branch of law that studies the rules that regulate relations between the employee and the employer, such as obligations, assignments and responsibilities in a whole.


Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law

It is the branch of law that studies what means the creditor will receive it from the debtor in the event of non-payment of the debt formed for any reason between individuals.


Real Estate Law

Real estate law is a branch of law that covers legislation related to immovable property, such as land, land, houses, apartments, etc., between individuals or institutions.


Criminal Law

Criminal law, in a general sense, is the subject of crimes and punishments. The goal is to preserve the order, provision and individual interests of the state, society.


Intellectual and Sinai Rights Law

It is a branch of law that protects intellectual labor products of economic value. Intellectual property law consists of two main elements, copyright and industrial property rights.


Family Law

It is the area that covers all kinds of issues, disputes or disputes related to the concept of family in the essential sense, such as marriage, divorce, alimony, custody.
