
Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law

Enforcement and bankruptcy law is a branch of law that covers the issues of what means the creditor can recover the debt in the event of non-payment of a debt incurred for any reason between individuals. The creditor collects what he receives from the debtor through the bailiff or bankruptcy directorate.

Another name for enforcement-bankruptcy law is forced enforcement law. Forced enforcement is the forced fulfillment of debts with the help of state force. If the debtor does not pay his debt, the executive bodies of the state seize the property of the debtor, sell these goods and pay what the creditor receives for the sale price. Thus, the social balance is maintained by the hand of the state. Our law firm offers consulting, follow-up and advocacy services in matters related to enforcement law.

Compass Law Office, For clients with a large number of debtors, tracking debts through the call center before the legal follow-up processes, solution-oriented services are created in this direction. In order to protect the interests of the client, debtors are contacted. In the field of Executive Bankruptcy Law, he conducts extensive research in order to determine all the debtor's securities, real estate and the rights and debts of third parties in the enforcement proceedings for the purpose of collecting receivables. Services in this area also include litigation work in the enforcement courts and general courts for the resolution of disputes between the creditor/debtor and third parties. In the absence of an agreement with the debtors, foreclosure or bankruptcy proceedings are initiated.

Our main services are as follows:

  • Statutory, unregistered enforcement proceedings and related cases before the bailiff court
  • Follow-up operations related to foreign exchange tracking, i.e. checks, promissory notes and similar valuables
  • Prudential foreclosure cases
  • Prudential cases
  • Follow-up through bankruptcy and related lawsuits
  • Cases of cancellation and removal of the appeal
  • Cases of eviction and rent arrears in relation to leased real estate
  • Discrimination and tort cases
  • Transactions on the conversion of a pledge of securities and real estate into money