
Inheritance Law

Inheritance law is a branch of private law that studies the way in which the property subject to inheritance (tereke) is divided between legal heirs and other heirs, and how and in what order their debts are to be paid in the event of their death or in the presence of a death penalty.

The Turkish Civil Code applies the community system. As it became clear when examining TMK Md. 495-497;

The first group: The heir to leave a legacy
The second group:
Parents of the bearer
Third group:
The inheritor is his great parents and their descendants.

  • In order to become an heir, it is necessary to be included in one of these orders.
  • If there is an heir in the previous group, the next group cannot be the heir.

Equal and equitable sharing of the Property between the heirs by our Law Firm, taking care to ensure that the relations are not broken by paying attention to family ties while making this sharing, the necessary efforts are made to end the process without anyone violating anyone's right to inherit, and the conflicting processes that have arisen between the heirs with success and conciliation is being evaluated.

We can list our main services as follows;

  • Arrangement of a will
  • Cases of detection of terekenin
  • Inheritance cases arising from inheritance
  • Concealed share, tenkis cases
  • Cases of theft of property from inheritance (muris muvazaasi)
  • Obtaining a certificate of inheritance
  • Inheritance removal procedures
  • Procedures for the division of inheritance
  • Cases of refusal of inheritance