Although the cases of fraud on social media have increased enormously, we are sorry to learn that citizens have been scammed with all sorts of scams as a result of frequent calls to our office about the issue.
In order for us citizens to be more careful, we investigated the fraudulent activities that we often encounter and are encountered in our country. We have compiled for you the most used fraud methods in our country;
1- Fraud by Introducing Themselves as Public Officials
Fraudsters who contact you by identifying themselves as lawyers, prosecutors, judges, police can try to scare you with the words that your account is being used by a terrorist organization, as your connection with the terrorist organization has been established.
Recently, law firms and our lawyer colleagues have unfortunately been victimized by fraudsters. Fraudsters victimize citizens by presenting themselves as law firms, lawyers, pretending to have debts or receivables that do not actually exist at all. In such cases, we recommend that you first investigate the existence of such an attorney or law firm and determine the source of such receivables or debts.
On the other hand, by presenting themselves as mayor, governor, kaymakam, they collect various benefits and can also ask for donations from you.
2- Fraud by Hijacking Social Media Accounts
In this method, they can pretend to be them by hijacking the social media accounts of your friends or family members. Vi.
Another method is to redirect fake accounts and ads through social media (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc.) and fake internet sites. On these sites, you may be asked for your personal information, password, card or account information. Be wary of deceptive ads on social media.
3- Fraud by calling like a bank employee
One of the most common methods is to call you like a bank employee and ask you for your card information (CVV, expiration date, password) with promises such as credit, fees, commission refund, interest cancellation, debt deferral, fee cancellation, etc., and/or redirect you to call the phone.
4- Fraud over Fake Shopping Sites
Online shopping has often been preferred by everyone because of the conveniences it brings. However, the site you are shopping for may be a fake site prepared by scammers. A fake of a real shopping site is made and you may be shopping from this page. Beware of fake sites that are imitated.
Some shopping sites or Instagram pages may be trying to sell products or services that don't actually exist. We recommend that you do research on the sites and people you want to shop with. Make sure they are reachable by checking the contact information of the site or contacts.
5- Fraud med Fake Email — Mail/Fake Sms Method
One of the most frequently used methods is emails requesting your personal and financial (password, card number, etc.) information prepared using the bank name and image. Do not respond to such emails. Do not log into Internet Banking with links sent through such emails.
Other traps of scammers are sms/emails sent in which your account information has been hijacked, such as attractive campaign, sweepstakes, discount coupon, points gain, urgent, cargo tracking, etc. Beware of these posts. These posts often give the impression that they come from well-known companies that are widely used. You are prompted to click on the link contained in these fake posts or download the file so that malware can settle on your phone/computer. Scammers can thus gain access to your personal and financial information. Beware of emails and SMS that you are not sure of the source.
6- Crypto Asset Investment Fraud
It is one of the scam methods that are asked to be paid, promising that you will make a profit, earn or even get rich by investing your money in various crypto assets.
7- Fake Dating Scams
Although we admit that it is one of the strangest methods, unfortunately scammers can ask for money by gaining trust through social media, establishing good relationships with victims (friendship, dating, etc.) saying that they are in a difficult situation afterwards.
8- Low Price Sales Fraud
In this method, especially telephones, household appliances, watches, etc. electronic items are allegedly offered for sale far below the market.
9- Fraud med Fake Corporate Accounts
La método de fraudo en que o información de carta de carta de credito está está parada con línicos de fakos aperto usando el nombre de instituciones publica ou empresas
10- Lottery Fraud
La método solicitada de pagamento é um que dice que você pode ganar e pode obtenir.
11- Paid Membership Fraud
Fraud method in which payment is requested by claiming to give a movie or music platform membership at an affordable price.
Criminal Lawyer Fraud Offense
Dealing with the perpetrators of the crime of fraud is not at all easy. Práce de su insensitivity, recklessness e abilidad de deceive personas facilmente, es difficile para non-lawyers para dealar com estos personas. For this it will be useful to seek help through a criminal lawyer. #Pusulahukukbürosu
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